Saturday, January 31, 2015

Powerful Exorcism Incense ( Tried and Tested )

Alright, here is another recipe that I came up with about 10 years ago.  This incense is very strong, make sure you open your windows just a bit so you don't inhale too much of the smoke.  It will not kill you but I still have to take these precautions because I'm not a doctor, and I cannot give medical advice at ALL.  Alright, here is my recipe for clearing your space of ill intent! 

This is why I miss #Summer . Take; Frankincense, Myrrh, black pepper and dirt from a relatives grave. Mix it together. Do what you do to " empower " the mix. I left my incense in a small bowl, gave a dash to the wee ones and asked for blessings. You don't have to do the same. That's my style Witchery.

I burn all this at my altar, clean altar or not. I might light a white candle and pray that all good things fill my house and life. I may not. I usually do incourperate #Hekate and #Pan as my HP's... I do the Luciferian Banishing Ritual during and after all this... Focus and intent. Again do it your way.

You can take the incense into each room if you'd like and say a Luciferian Prayer or Prayer of any kind. Clean up the house eh. Ancestors are important in ridding your home and path

Let me know what you think!  I'd love to hear from you guys!  

Cleansing Your Head or The White Bath.

Here is something I use to use all the time, it is very heavily used in Vodou, Santeria and other Afro-Caribbean faiths.  I hope you like, I hope you try this because it does work and works great!  So, here it goes!  

                        Cleansing The Head

Cleansing your " head " is a heavily used Santeria term, Vodou as well... I've heard it in RootWork and Alternative faiths as well... I use it, in spiritualism. It works... and good!
1 gallon pot or cauldron ( as in picture )
fill half way with water and add: ( go by eye )
Florida Water
star anise seed
anise seed
bay leafs
angelica root
1 cup of condensed milk...
white flowers ( carnations are what I used )
1 bottle of white champagne
Some people use cake, cookies, etc... I however, do not. This does work... Pray over your mixture, for blessings and cleansings, you can drum outside, do whatever. Pour it over your head, facing down, let it dry, wrapped up in a towel if you have to. Go big with the Lavender too...
Use the left overs as protection pouches, it's from your head.

So, if anyone tries this like I have.  Let me know what you think!  What did you dream the night you did this bath?  

Ryan Occult Specialist 

Friday, January 9, 2015

" Toys In The Attic " Linking Dougie from the Ouija Session with the house "

This is just a small collaboration of the fire that took place in my house.  The house was re-done 100% but a few things were left behind.... maybe even some ghostly's....

This is the space BEHIND the Altar in the Video.

Peeking through the past.

Odds and Ends.

Some Partying Gifts..

Now Here is the video of the Ouija Session I had, with the little boy who started this fire.  Strange things do happen.  Things being moved, doors being opened, laughs. and more.

Today I came in contact with a child named "Doug" He says he is 10 years old and he died in this house, playing with matches in the closet. The strangest non-ZoZo session I've had. I will be doing my research on this little one, along with a follow up video. Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ouija Scare ( Let's go back 15 years )

Let's go back 15 years..... A harmless little fun or something more? 

Two friends gather round for a fun " game " of The Psychic Circle.  The sun is starting to set, the warm humid air filling the small boy's bedroom.  His parents had no problem with the game itself, it's harmless, it's not the Ouija, so we were allowed to use this Psychic Circle.  

The sun set, darkness has come, the fog from the pond, behind the house gives off a ghostly glow.  We called this Pond " The Bottomless Pit " for it is literally bottomless.  The perfect setting for a harmless " game " and a great way to spook ourselves.  Anne unfolds the Psychic Circle, I take out the round, very 80's style Planchette.  We're just about ready.

We light our candles, four to be exact, we light our incense.  I get up real fast to turn off the lights, to give it even more of a " spooky " feeling.  Spooky was the feeling alright.  I look at Anne and she looks back at me; " are we ready? " she asks, I nod; " yes ".

With one finger on the small circular Planchette we call out, asking for any spirits to come.  " Come and talk to us " Anne and myself both repeat.  " We don't mean you any harm, we just want to talk and ask some questions".  Now you'd figure the typical teenage stereotype would play out here.   " You're pushing it ", " No I'm not! ", " Yes you are! ".  That wasn't the case.

Both Anne and myself being firm believers in the Occult and Paranormal, let the Planchette move over the letters, the symbols, the astrological sigils printed on the board.  " This is really quite fascinating " I say to Anne, as I look at her with a little disbelief.  " I'm really not moving it, God's honest truth" Anne giggles a bit.  

The Planchette glides smoothly over the entire board, moving very rapidly.  I look at Anne again in disbelief.  She looks at me with a " I'm hardly even touching the damn thing ", remark under her breath.  The energy in the room is getting really thick at this point.  It's almost as if something is " inside " of our hands guiding the oracle around.  The incense smoke burrows across the board, the candles flicker in a very rapid, erie kind of way, almost synced together, in some way.  

" This is getting a little strange, I've never seen this move like this! " Anne replies.  " I know, it's sort of spooky, let's ask some questions, do you want to? " I replied.  " Oh yes! " with excitement in Anne's eyes.  We both are so excited, astonished at what we're actually seeing, with our own eyes.  I go ahead and ask my first question.  " Is anything BIG going to happen anytime soon? "  The planchette starts to move across the board.  I look at Anne, she looks at me.  What we saw spelled out blew our minds.  " Shooting ".  Now at this point your typical, teenage, stereotype kicks in.   

I look at Anne " are you pushing it?!!? Because if you are this is not even fucking funny! "  " God, no!  Why would I even want to spell that?  Are you pushing it?"  " Fuck no, I'm not! "  I replied with frustration.  We know it's not ourselves moving the planchette, what is?  A spirit, demon, or something else?

To be continued.... 

 Copyright 2015 Ryan Espich

Crafting Your Own Reversible Candle

Craft your own reversible candle!  

Most of today's candles are quite expensive!  Not all of us can afford to buy a candle for $10-$20, wait for it to get shipped, or even find an Occult store near you.  So here is my own recipe for crafting your own reversible candle.  It'll cost you about $1.50 ... can't beat that huh?  

Supplies You Will Need

1 white Seven Day Vigil candle ( You can get these at the dollar store)

13 drops of Clearance Oil
13 Drops of Glow of Attraction Oil
A few drops of your own Blood
A birchwood stick for making the holes ( you can get these for about 60 cents at Sally Beauty Supply )... a screw driver will work.  
1 Sanitized needle to prick your finger
Alcohol wipes

If for any reason you are UNABLE to obtain the oils listed above simply use a few drops of your own blood or Saliva!  I used the Glow of attraction oil to put a glow around myself, from future psychic attacks.  Your blood is life, your blood carries your intent.  

So on my own candle all I did was prepare it in my style.  Going slightly into trance, making my intent very clear and focused my will ( energy ) into the candle.  I then made the holes for the oils.  

You can use construction  paper or a black sharpie to draw the above image on your candle.  Get creative as you like... This is YOUR candle.  

There are certain Psalms that go along with the Reversible Candle, I don't say them, I'm not a Christian so I do not need it.  You can either let your candle burn or say any set of prayers you'd like.  

Now guess what..... You'r candle is finished.  ;) I'd love to see your finished products!  If you'd like them featured on here or on my Facebook Public Page, send me a line and I'd be more than happy to share your art.  

Happy Crafting guy's N' gal's !

Friday, January 2, 2015

Bitchin' Witches: Humorous occult talk 11/4/15

Tomorrow Night at 7 PM EST .  Join us.  We're just talking, introducing ourselves, short stories.. It'll be fun. 

It's really more of an 80's joke ;)  Still fun.

Egg Cleansing: How to. (Cleansing with an egg)

I'm almost certain that the egg cleansing is of Hispanic heritage.  Eggs are a great way of cleansing yourself of negative energy.  It's simple, fast and it works.

What you need is 1 egg at room temperature and a glass of water.  I use a fancy wine glass because I'm silly like that.  You can say any prayers you like while doing the egg cleansing.  For some odd reason I'm stuck on making the sign of the cross on my forehead with the egg.  This being said, it's probably a chain of the Catholic faith that hasn't been snipped from my brain.  Do what you feel is right tho.

Starting at the top of your head, going DOWNWARD only, swipe the egg down your entire body.  Push the negative energy into that egg.  Get the nap of your neck, hands and feet realy well.  Once your done, crack the egg in the glass of water. 

If you know how to read an egg by all means do so.  The bubbles represent spirit taking care of the matter.  Cleansing you of negative energy.  That's the extent of my egg readings ;)  Once your done, flush it down the toilet or throw the egg into a flowing stream of water.  

You can do this as many times as you wish.  You can light a white candle and use some sage also.  

Here's a short video tutorial.