Friday, March 27, 2015

Coexisting and Coping With The Dead

"Death in my Craft Part 1

Death is inevitable.  We live it, breathe it, go through it.  Only in accepting your own death you will most certainly, then be able to fully appreciate your own existence.  I feel as if Necromancy is a way of life.  Incorporating death into most aspects of your life.  It happens and we have to deal with it.  Nothing can be destroyed, energy just changes forms.  That can be scientifically backed too.  The Ouija and a lot of divination techniques can't be.   Though these methods work for us.  Being shy of 20 years using the Talking Board, you'd think one would know.  

I'm not sure if I'm looking for scientific proof, although it helps.  The idea of Quantum Physics gives me a much better feeling.  There's more depth and works to study, on Death.  It is afterall the only thing promised.   I do believe in a Higher Power, just not sure what to call it/label/put a face on.  I feel personally the dead are much more readily accessible to us.  

I see Death in my Craft and in all aspects of my life, I've embraced it, I do not fear it.  I don't want it to happen anytime soon, nor wish it on anything or anyone.  So my thought is, the Ouija is a tool that proves useful and effective in it's use.  Seeing the dead and spirits, energies, what have you, helps with using the board.  

I never asked to see such beings.  Over the years I've learned to let it work on my behalf, instead of become a burden or bother.  It can be tough being a sensitive and clairvoyant.  The dead surround us at all times.  The air we breathe, the winds, oceans.  Meditation and studying is what's kept me balanced.  

I wasn't always balanced.  That just lead to a reckless lifestyle and choice of acquaintances.  I see a lot of sensitives that turn to opiates and narcotic abuse, it's a sad thing too.  Don't use a pill to numb it away.  It will work for you eventually.  When I was unbalanced I turned to pain killers a lot.  I overcame that though, until this day.  The spirits I believe ( my grandma mostly ) helped me through it.  

It can be a great tool for self exploration and mind solving problems.  Explore it.  ;) 

Being sensitive and in a house that has activity, is tiring.  Sleep aid does help lol.  Sadly but truly it does.  They do keep me up tonight though, even through sleep aid.  Always know who's alive and who's not.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Necromancy Incense ( How To )

Here is a very simple recipe for some very effective, Necromancy Incense.  I created this about a year or so ago, the results are amazing!  So, what you will need....

Copal Resin 
Patchouli Oil 
3 Red Rose Petals
a few drops of your own blood
A dash of Graveyard Dirt

Make sure you grind up your Copal resin into a very fine powder.  This is going to act as the base and keep your incense burning.  It does become quite clumpy, just keep grinding in the mortar and pestle.   Once all your dry ingredients are evenly and well ground, add a drop of your own blood and a drop of the patchouli oil.  Grind it up some more.  It's a good idea to let it set out for about an hour, in a dry space.  This way the oil and blood can actually have a short period to dry out a bit.  With the intent of necromancy in mind, direct and focus all your energy into the mixture.  You can use other techniques as you see fit.  The dreams and visions this incense produces are phenomenal as well.  

Here is a video on making your own Necromancy Wand. It does require the incense, so here's the blog above.  ;) 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Creating a Spirit Vessel ( Within a Luciferian Context )

Creating a Spirit Vessel requires a lot of astral work, visualization and time.  To create an Ancestor Vessel, I will give this outline so that you can use it for more than just your Ancestors.  Never bind your Ancestors to ANYTHING, it's just rude.  So, you will need

A vessel of some sort ( glass, wooden, Etc.. )

You're going to want to wash it really well!  Let it set outside in the sun for 3 days ( if possible ), so it can dry.  Leave it in a window sill if you are unable to let it set outside due to weather or what not.  Once your vessel has dried thoroughly in the sun, decorate it.  An Ancestor Vessel will have all the symbols of death.  Skulls, sigils for Saturn and Mercury, Certain seals of solomon, Etc.  

Once you've decorated your Vessel now comes the Nganga.  Some will say you CANNOT create an Nganga by yourself, I disagree.  I've made one and it works amazing.  I used a mini resin skull, for my Nganga, in this Ancestor Vessel.  Place on the bottom of the vessel a small amount of cemetery dirt, twigs/stones from the cemetery, cemetery dirt from the graves of your Ancestors ( always be respectful when taking the dirt, leave a few pennies, a cigarette or some water for them.)  Now place any objects inside the vessel that you associate with your Ancestors ( or whichever Spirit/Demon you are working with).  

Now that it's all said and done, go into a meditative state, the death current, slow breathing techniques work great to get you there.  Please do not use any sort of ethogen to achieve this state of being.  Once you're in the astral state, call out to the shades of the dead, your Ancestors, the spirit you are creating the vessel for.  Explain to them what you are doing.  Be EXACT!  Keeping your vessel on the triangle of arte, you are conjuring this energy into existence.  So, now you have your vessel made, you've contacted the spiritual world, you'll get a gut feeling if it's " ok " to go ahead with your procedure.  

Here comes the " Circle of The Dead " which will bind you to your Vessel.  

Toss a small amount of gravel soil and a small amount of your own blood on top of your pre-created Nganga, that was placed inside your spirit vessel.  Make sure you have this on your Triangle of Arte.  Take your wand with your left hand, going counter clockwise around your vessel and intone the following :

" I summon the mighty dead from the spaces of silence from which the grave cradles.  I give you life by blood and by soil, by the essence of my being.  Emerge from your sleep of death and encircle my being, protecting my body as I dream and walk the web of night.  As Thanatos I require your service, for we are bound by the laws of death "   

The shade will now feed on your Astral body as you sleep, giving it nourishment to perform the duties of it's creation.  The shades are forced away once you return back to your body/wake up.  
These are very intense and time consuming procedures.  It takes quite a bit of time to get to the state of mind you need to be in, to contact these beings.  Take your time, research, read, learn.  Always be safe, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it.  You can also pick up a copy of " The Book of The Witch's Moon " By Michael Ford.  

I hope this helps and sums up a bit more from my video.  Thank you to all that watch!  Happy creating! :) 

Azazel Vessel.  

Here is the actual video on making Spirit Vessels.  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Witch Bottles " Protecting Home and Land " + A Thank YOU +

Witch Bottle Home Protection

For this Witch Bottle you will need the following;

1.  a small bottle or vial 

2.  Crushed mint

3.  Crushed sage

4.  dirt from the four corners of your land

5.  a STERILE needle ( for a small drop of your own blood )

6.  Hekate Oil 

7.  Red String

8.  wax of some sort ( white )

Hallow your compass with the intent of bringing in all beneficial and  positive energies, to help shield and protect your home/land, from any type of negativity.  Since this is Traditional Witchcraft, you get a LOT more room for creativity, so get creative!  Let spirit move you.  Once you're in the frame of mind, at ease, peaceful, make your compass grow to engulf your entire house/land.  See it, like a blown bubble, the iridescent colors they create.  

You can come up with a Rhyme or chant to accompany this spell.  Once you've focused your will, have your intent set, charge all your herbs and all other working materials.  Fill up your bottle or vial with your herbs, a small prick of your finger, a small drop of your own blood, 3 drops of Hekate oil ( optional ).  Put your cap on, or just wax it shut.  Tie the red string counter-clockwise to invite beneficial energies in, protecting you, your loved ones, your land, from all harm and dangers, as well as ill will.  When you get to the point of about 2 inches of thread left, focus all your energy into that knot.  Know it is done.  

Simple, eh.  ;)  You can keep this on your altar, some bury them.  I hung mine in a tree and it's still there.  I refresh them about every 1-4 years when I feel they've run their courses.  I don't suggest BANISHING any energy, it helped you, why punish it?  Thank them, you are done.  ;)

This can be used in any context;  Health, Love, Passion, Power, Healing... Have fun and let me know if it works for you!  Thank you to all who watch my videos too.  It's a really fanfuckingtastic feeling.  If I can help one person, make one friend, it's worth it.  

                                                  Witch Bottle Home Protection Video

Thursday, March 19, 2015

OUIJA Tips: 20 Years of Research " My Conclusions "

These are some of my own views on the Talking Board. Also on  being a collector.  Years of research and practice gets you places. 

This one deals with using the board in cemeteries, respect when doing it and more... 

Some of my beliefs about the board, more tips as well.. 
I'm far from done, these are just some of my conclusions and ideas, concerning; ZoZo, Past Lives, Using the board in cemeteries, and getting comfortable with it.   My own things I do before and after each session.  I hope I've at least enlightened or helped one person.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Traditional Witchcraft by: Sartella

Our Craft is nothing that we ally with, it is us. Our craft is what we do every minute of our waking moments, and some of our not so waking ones too. Which includes trances, deep meditations, astral travel, lucid dreaming, etc.. Most of us will add a little of our local environment and cultural background and customs, making it unique to us. That is not to say that we don’t “practice” our craft too, as you will read here. 

We are drawn to it because it was born in us, some and most can find signs when we were children, some are able to follow through and continue – some have family to help, others are forced to follow what their parents tell them, some following without others knowing their secret, others as soon as they are of age to seek themselves find it coming out stronger and they then pursue it. Most of us here have not had family to guide them, or have a family line, and even if there is a family line, does not mean that they will be a witch. 

For most of us, Nature is very big, most people think of nature they think of trees and animals, lakes and streams, they don't think of every single natural thing on this planet, and the rest of our solar system, galaxy and universe as well. Nature encompasses all of these things. Universal energy. We generally do not worship any entities, but we recognize the existence of them, commonly referred to as spirits. We believe in the equality of all beings in the Universe, seeing them all as different and separate but still equal. We revere and respect Nature, however we do not worship it or its representatives. 

Most of us here do not call on deities, (except those that accept deities,) but many may call on spirits and their ancestors. Some of us use the “deities” energies, aspects in our workings, if it is needed. Some of us may occasionally call on the elements as well; most do not have the same belief of the 4 elements, that is taught in Wicca. When performing magic we will concentrate on our own power, or and we may call on assistance from a spirit in the spirit world or and ancestors. 

Magic, that’s a big mouth full. It’s an everyday thing, we work our magic into our day to day lives, in cooking, cleaning, little spells here and there, keeping ourselves our family, and our homes even work, safe, healthy. We also work spells, doing something very specific (lack of a better word). Some of us do it in ritual style, sometimes, other times not. Some of us use tools, sometimes and sometimes not. Our spells and magic depends on our backgrounds, what we are doing at the moment, all different elements come into play here, at any given moment when it comes down to it. 

I do not consider doing readings, magic. I have a natural ability but that did not make it so I can just do them. I had to find what spoke to me, and from there I had to work at it, not as hard as doing something I don’t have an natural eye for, but it is work and takes time to develop. We all do things very differently, and some here don’t do readings at all, some maybe they haven’t found the system that speaks to them, or they don’t have the time now to work at it.

Love and intent, wow, that’s wiccan…lol. You didn’t go very far in love, but yes we all do things in love, like protect our loved ones, our pets, family, friends whatever. We send each other healing energies, good thoughts, etc out of love. We will protect our cars, homes, lands, bikes, boats whatever, to protect them and the ones in and on these things, to keep them safe, running good, and healthy as best we can. 

Intent that’s a whole different arena. Our intent is to do what ever it takes for most of us to get the job done, usually as quickly as we can. Does it harm someone in the process, well it might, but what were the consequences to us if we didn’t? And we take full responsibility for what we do. We don’t do things without thinking about it first. 

Some of us, do hexes, jinks, and we will even do curses, if the need arises. What is the intent here, well that is obvious. I kinda think of it as tough love. Sometime you just have to do it, because it will help in the long run, no matter how hard it hurts right now. And then there are the times its just the right thing to do to someone, because of what they have done to you or yours. It maybe hate, discus, or anger as part of the intent, or because they paid me to do it, ..LOL But all in all you will find that we have very strong ethics that we follow, and each one of us has our own.

Evil spirits - none, that’s fluffy wiccan to me – just saying, no offence here, please. Please take a look at another thread here on the forum; Is ignorance truly bliss? Its in here the Discussions of Main Articles and Topics. I think you will get our ideas here very well. 

When we die some of us believe we travel to the plane of existence called the spirit world. Our resting place. When we continue our journey we may be born into a new life, reincarnation being commonly believed in by many. However another alternative that some believe is that we meld with nature becoming one with it, becoming a land spirit, one of the reasons we always show respect for the spirits as they are the spirits of those that have passed before us. I think the vast majority of spirits will remain as themselves within the spirit world sometimes interacting, (or trying to,) with the living. Not all spirits are nice though. 

We see all life, all nature, all space as sacred. Since we believe that everything is sacred it is perfectly acceptable to do magic or rituals and spells in our living rooms or bedroom as opposed to being outdoors. We do not need to cast any circles to make it sacred, we do not call upon the watchtowers or elements to guard us, if we need assistance we may ask a spirit or an ancestor with help or the use of the universal energies. At the same time this does not mean that we may not use a circle to do a working in, it all depends on what we are doing.

Some of us generally observe the sabbats as these days correspond to solstices and equinoxes, but I do not all relate them to a specific mythology, some do, per their tradition, background, culture and customs. I honor the seasonal changes themselves, when I see them happen in my area, rather than on a calendar. But not the lives of any Gods or Goddesses. Some or most, not sure, observe Moon phases and other natural phenomena also, with the full moon being the most significant. The Esbats (full moons) being more important than the Sabbats even. Others follow even older ways when the Sabbats were the full moons and the now called sabbats were just the festivals of their culture and customs. 

For most of us things kinda flow being a witch and our craft is just who we are, and we can't imagine not being. That doesn't mean that it is easy, it can be a very hard path, is a life long journey, and well rewarding. As you see there are no hard fast rules, these are more commonalities. Each one of us is different, our craft is as individual as we are, it is the commonalities that bring us together. 

All rights reserved Startella 2011 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lodestone Magick ( My How To )

Lodestone Magick

This is about the easiest working I've ever done.  Thank you to all that contributed to my questions concerning working the Lodestone!  For your own lodestone magick here is what you will need;
1 small dish
1 load stone ( female... they are phallic shaped )
Tiny drop of whiskey
metal fillings 
piece of brown bag paper ( or any paper )
Small items such as coins to represent what you are attracting to yourself.
Sterilized needle 

Metal fillings I found out in the garage.  Make sure to cleanse them.  

All I did was took some sage, cleansed all my items I was going to be working with.  Set those aside for now.  Next you want to program your lodestone with what you intend to attract.  Most say it's wise to only give your lodestone 1 task, I gave mine 4.  Talk to it like it's a living being, because it's just that!  A living being.  

Now drop a tiny bit of whiskey on your lodestone.  ( not too much, do not get it drunk ).  Next you'll want to write on that brown bag paper, that which you wish to attract to yourself.  I took a sterilized needle, a small prick of the ring finger, dapped it in each of the corners of the paper.  I folded the paper towards myself, because we are bringing these things to us.  I then charged the paper in the same manner as the lodestone.  

Place your piece of paper in your dish, place the lodestone on top, and any other representations of what you are attracting, in with the lodestone.  You can pray over this, I don't pray so I just speak to it every night, telling it how grateful I am for the work it's doing for me.  Now take your metal fillings, or magnetic sand if you have it and put a VERY SMALL amount on top of it.  This is feeding your lodestone.  

You're all set!  Now every night you're going to want to pray or talk to the stone itself.  Envision those things that you are attracting with focused will.  Once a week you will want to feed it to keep it going.  Just give it a small pinch of your magnetic fillings or sand.  

Personally, mine is working FANTASTIC!  If you try this, let me know how it goes for you!  Here is a video as well, showing my lodestone and explaining it in detail.  Happy Attracting! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tarot and Rune Readings!

For the entire month of March I will be offering $10.00 USD Tarot and Rune readings!  I am very in depth with all of my readings.  I do throw in the runes in conjunction with the tarot, even the Ouija!  Offer expires 3/30/15