Saturday, May 30, 2015

Simple Yet Astonishing Synchronicities ( My True Account )

So, the other day I had quite the day!  I want to share with you all, two synchronistic events, that had happened in the same day.  They were extremely profound when I actually acknowledged them, waking up from a dream-like state and jotting them down.  Big note right here.... JOURNAL your EVERYTHING!  It is SO worth it! I've noticed one important thing too.  What you think about REALLY and I mean REALLY shapes your future.  So that being said, never EVER go to bed angry, upset, etc.... Go to bed thinking of the endless possibilities that are coming!  What will you create for YOUR tomorrow? I will type this out in the EXACT same manner, as it is in my Journal.  


I had two strange occurrences today.  The first, I was thinking what my family doctor would think of my spiritualist practices, if I were to tell her.  I go in for my 6 month check-up, sit down, she asks " What's your faith?"  Very nicely, noting that she didn't want to push beliefs on me.  She told me to pray or " do what I do " to help/ in conjunction with my medications, to help with my mental stress.  Very sweet of her!  How could have she known that I was thinking this sort of idea, the night before?  She is so cute pregnant, btw!  

Second, I was mowing the lawn, a very mundane task, yes?  My grandparents show up ALL around me while I was mowing.  They gave me guidance, love and encouragement, to keep going.  ( These were the two days I had not used the Ouija to communicate with them, I did feel bad ).  Reminding me of how both/all worlds/realms co-exist.  It felt like the spiritual worlds were bleeding into this reality.  Crazy what synchronicities come!   I have my guides/spirits REGARDLESS of the Ouija.  

So, yes, all that does seem very VERY mundane!  When you take a minute to look back at what you've actually thought about the day PRIOR to something happening like this, seeing it in your journal, going back and reminiscing your thoughts, it's incredible! You HONESTLY do create your own reality.  The possibilities now, truly ARE endless! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

True OUIJA Story of Empowerment and Encouragement

One Inspiring Ouija Story and True

" There must be a Demon telling me to clean my life up and stop taking in chemicals, that are killing us, cuz that's what a demon wants to waste it's time on...." ~ Ryan.

"5/16/2015 Ouija
Are my guardians here?
(went to the sun)
Are my spirit guides around?
Edena, is that your name?
Went to the sun, what does that mean?
God is good
I’ve been called to the board, can you tell me any messages?
Killing you, is that what you’re saying?
BAE (?)
Babe, (?) is that what you are trying to say?
Went to the sun?
Ok I’ll admit I’m lazy
AN FUSS (Ouija?) Y
So I have ODD and I’m fussy is that what you are saying?
(Planchette glided over to the word Ouija)
Am I speaking to Ededena?
Is there anything else?
Just love yourself?
Does this have to do with the things about myself with body image?
(Went to Ouija)
What about the Ouija? Messages for me on that?
Ouija is a good public tool?
May I ask a question about you Ededena?
(Ouija again)
Are you male or female?
Have you been on this planet before? Have you lived a life on this planet before?
(Going in circles, trying to get energy?)
Can you tell me what time or year you lived here?
(Went over to the sun)
May I ask a question about myself?
Can you tell me what my past life was?
(Went over to the sun, I think that means it’s giving me love?)
(circling the sun)
MIFAIA (Mafia?)
(Went to the sun)
Was I a member of the Mafia?
What was my involvement with the Mafia?
(Went to the sun)
I was killed by a gunshot, by a member of the Mafia?
NAME NOA (now?) KAKA (confusion) KARLA
Note: I believe this is probably saying “name is now Karla”
God is forgiving?
May I ask was I a witness or something is that why I got killed?
May I ask what year it was when I died?
Can you tell me please?
1929, is that correct?
May I ask what city it was I died in?
Was this an European country?
Is this a name of a state in the US?
(Went to the sun)
Is this Georgia, the state of Georgia?
Note: I don’t know if this is true, I think I was just getting gibberish or they couldn’t  tell me for some reason
Ededena, it’s almost time for me to go to bed, do you have any final messages for me?
What is that message?
Just love yourself
January obsessing hallelujah, is that what you are saying?
(Ouija; planchette went over the word “Ouija”)
Do you think that it is good (intelligible) to use the Ouija?
Am I still talking to one of my spirit guides?
 And it’s Ededena right?
(closing the session)

Ededena, or Dena or Dean is trying to tell me to quit smoking and eat healthy, I also get the message that God is good. Also to love myself as well as Ouija is a good public (?!) tool. The planchette has gone over the word Ouija a few times so I think there is a message there. I asked about my past life and he said I was killed by a member of the Mafia or perhaps some sort of gang, by a gunshot wound in the year 1929. I wasn’t able to get the name of the city or country or state as either they didn’t know or wasn’t allowed to tell me. I’ll probably try to get it clarified at the next session. Also my name was probably Jake. Possibly I was a witness to a crime and was killed for it. He reiterates that God is forgiving, perhaps I did some sort of crime? 
The planchette kept going over to the word Ouija on the board and I asked about it, the message wasn’t clear but something about obsessing and doing good with it, maybe? The messages still aren’t clear and I need to meditate more and let it flow.
Next time:
Request to talk to spirit guide DENA or DEAN
Clarify city and place of death in past life
Clarify about using the Ouija, there seems to be a message there. "

~Elm Ouija 2015 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Give-A-Way ~ Ouija Style

So in my video I proposed a small " challenge " .  Send me your best OUIJA Story, Positive ones ONLY.  How has this tool helped you?  How have you healed from it?  I do daily!  The cloth can be altered to a Ouija Pouch.  Big enough for your Ouija.  Only 1 will be made.  I've used mine for years.  The fabric is poly/blend... not tested. 

The first 5 minutes are basically the " rules " I guess... lol.  

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Manifesting Your Daily Events. ( Ouija Healing )

Wishful Thinking Turned Reality

Last night my Father and I had a very long conversation.  We walked about the acre of land we own, looking at the pines, the oaks, apple blossoms and lilac trees.  Both of us barefoot, earthing ourselves without him even knowing he's connecting himself with the Earth's energy.  We had a nice chatter about loved ones, family, work, etc.  We walk around one of our giant white pine tree's and a HUGE grey-sponge-mushroom was right there, in plane sight.  So, he tells me to wait until today, to go out and pick it.  

I wake up today, very excited about our small " walk-about " from last night.  I pick the mushroom, which had grown even more, since they only grow for 16-18 hours after they've sprouted.  He comes home from work today, early, not feeling too well.  I said ok, hold on just a second, would you at least humor me, I'd love to show you something through the Ouija.  He just kinda shook his head and agreed, he'd watch as I contacted my Grandma.  He told me  he started feeling better, like his lungs were expanding and filling with air.  

My grandma had already come through, without him even knowing.  The entire time he's saying " you know it's just the ideomotor effect ", I brushed that off quickly.  He's giving me the benefit of the doubt here, so I ask one of his FAVORITE questions, " Ganny, where can my Father, find a TON of mushrooms, grey's to be precise?"  She spelled out the exact location, street sign, the name of the woods, the land marks, all of it.  Now he knows I have NO IDEA where this place is.  He's looking a bit puzzled now.  

I say " ok, Ganny, what can we do to help increase his chances, give him a bit of luck ? "  I was wishing she'd say something like " you don't need luck ", nope!  She went on to say

" Take one Hematite Stone, hold it in your hand, your left hand, see those mushrooms, feel them, feel the dirt on the ground, separating the mushroom from the Earth.  Let that energy flow into the stone, the stone is programed, now go find your MONEY.  "

We were both very confused about what she meant by " now go find your money ".  Mushrooms around here, everywhere I do believe are very HIGHLY PRICED.  I gave my Father the stone, he did as she instructed.  His little brother just pulled in, so I hurried up and thanked her, the session was over.  

While he's out hunting for mushrooms, I did my normal thing, daily house hold things, the oh so much fun, things... lol...  He calls me!   I answer and he says meet me outside in 10 minutes, I'm on my way home and I've got goodies.  I almost slam the phone down, not doubting he found EXACTLY what my grandmother described.  

*Note* My Father and Grandmother were VERY close his entire life.

I'm outside and he pulls up with his little brother, both smiling from ear to ear, we ALL have that smile when we have food ;)  He jumps out and shows me the bag of mushrooms.  Grey Sponges, like she had said.  He then pulls his wallet out, $40 dollars he found on the ground, of this woods.  

The directions were very accurate and detailed via the Board.  He offered me $20, I refused.  I felt like I was being paid for something Spirit inspired.  A lot would like to call all of this " bogus " , " Stupid " or " Coincidence ".  Synchronicity is what it is.  Being connected to Spirit, ourselves, loved ones and guides.  Even if you connect with your pets.  

Now tell me how i'm going to open the gates of hell through the Ouija Board, after using it for 20 years.  ;)  
Yes that was VERY inspired by a fabulous woman.  She is a Ouijaologist ! Karen A. Dahlman, so if you want to know even MORE ... look her up!  Not all of us bite.  ;) 

It's not often you come across, I guess you would call this a " Journal Entry ", Blog.. etc.  Of POSITIVE Ouija Stories.  Why not start?  What has changed for the better, through this tool?  Not even Ouija.... Tarot, Bone Reading, runes.  This not only brought a Father and Son together MORE... it healed.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

5 True Stories of Amazing Happenings Via The Ouija Board

My 5 True Stories Of Peace Love and Healing Through 
The Ouija Board

 About 4 years ago I was using my Ouija one night, outside by the bonfire.  I had no particular set of questions, just ONE intent.  That intent was of pure love, nothing less.  I relaxed and got into my " groove " if you will, placed my hands on the Planchette and let it glide around the board.  The people with me weren't very much into this sort of thing.  I asked my grandfather's girlfriend who " Anita " was.  She looked at me in complete shock.  " how could you know this ? ! " She gulped.  I looked at her and asked her if her daughter visited her in her dreams.  She looked at me with tears in her eyes.  Her daughter did pass quite a few years prior to this.  The message " Anita " gave me was

" Mom, Love you, Do not worry, I am safe, I am happy, I am loved, I am warm. "

She got up out of her seat, tears rolling down her face, looked me straight in the eyes and said " Thank you so much,  I now have validation that she is safe and visiting me in my dreams, I don't know how to even tell you how grateful I am for you".  I hugged her so tightly as she did me.  

 Right after my grandmother had passed away, Veronica, you all know her, I'm SURE! :) I was devastated.  Being the typical 22 year old I turned DIRECTLY to my pain pills.  Popping at least 10 Vicodin a day, AT LEAST.  I had woken up in the middle of the night, for no reason but the urge to use the Ouija.  So, I started a pot of coffee.  Just to kind of wake myself up and get rid of the nasty Vicodin " buzz ".  I sat down and said as loudly as I could " Ganny!  Please, from the bottom of my heart, I ask you to come here and be with me, show me you're ok, show me you're not in " hell ".  She did commit suicide.  I was told at HER funeral, she was burning in hell, from the Pastor.  Let's just say I'm not allowed to be around this man now.  

I'm sitting there balling my eyes out, still realizing what had happened.  I barely even have my hand on the Planchette and it starts to rapidly move.  I'm thinking this has got to be me, I've taken too many pain pills.  The very FIRST words she spelled out were 

" Rye Whiskey, Rye Whiskey, Rye Whiskey I cry, If I don't get my whiskey I surely will die "

At this point I KNEW with every fiber of my being, that his was her.  She had made contact, just as she told me she would.  We talked for what seemed like 5 minutes, which ended up becoming 5 AM.  
I would never EVER recommend ANYONE using the Ouija under the influence!  Just a little side note there.  This was my validation, my closure!  Everything we had talked about before she took her life, she told me, via the Ouija.  I didn't abuse Pain Killers ever since.  I got my healing, my " Ganny " back!  Who needs those pills when you have your grandmother coming to you on this " cosmic phone ".  

 This story took place about 2 or 3 weeks ago.  I got a message about doing Question and Answers, Via the Ouija, as I do on my channel.  Of course I will, I'm always open to suggestions!   All the questions had been answered, I'm finishing up my session, closing the " door ".  I start to see images in my head, I close my eyes and instantly I see these women!  Out of no where, these women are coming to me.  I'm thinking ok, what the hell is going on.  I'll call the woman with the question " Tiffany ".  

Tiffany had wanted me to contact  her grandmother to see who had been watching over her daughter.  All the answers were correct and accurate.  The best part though, was after the Ouija session had ended.  I accidentally started to channel Tiffany's Great Grandmother and Grandmother.  I had no idea what these women looked like, just what I had in my minds eye.  Tiffany sent me a picture of these two women and man, I saw.  She is SO grateful and still to this day, thanks me for the comfort and healing she had received from this.

 I decided it was finally time to try and contact my basset hound that had ran off, when I brought my Chihuahua back home with me.  I set my intent to contact her, did my meditation with my rose quartz as I usually do.  I got into my comfort zone, calm, relaxed and peaceful.  I placed the picture of my beloved Buffy beside the board.  

Placing my hands on the Planchette very gently I called out to her.  " Buff..... Buffy, Baby girl... My sweet baby girl, come talk to Daddy, please baby girl... "

The Planchette started to move in a way I had never felt.  It almost felt like small paw's on my own hands, guiding them.  Lo and behold, it was Buffy!  Prior, we had no idea what had happened to her.  All we knew is that she ran off, in the fog, with my Chihuahua Chico.  Animals lovers, you all know what it's like when you loose an animal.  It's like loosing a family member, they ARE a  part of your family.  Her movement was very slow, very " all over the place ", if you will.  

Her words were so different than that of a human.  She said very few words to me.  

" Dad.... Road....Highway....Cold.... Love you....Love my house... No small dog.  Safe now, warm, happy, love u "

Now anybody that's subscribed to my YouTube Channel has seen this video.  You don't see the behind the scenes.  I was in tears when the camera stopped.  I knew with all my heart, it was my baby girl!  My Buffy, she finally came through, after all these years!  From this session I gained the most healing of all.  Finally knowing what had happened to her, why she had ran off and left us.  It's still very sad to think of, of course!  I know now though that she is with me all the time, she's warm, happy and in a fabulous place.  

 I think this story is the most healing I've ever received from the Ouija.  There was and still is, so much controversy surrounding my Ganny's suicide.  Was it something someone planted in her head?  She was very ill after all, sick, couldn't move, could hardly get out of bed.  She couldn't even open a pack of cigarettes by herself, this showed how weak she was.  How sick she was, it was a terrible thing to watch.  

I'm not going to go into detail about what was actually said through the Board, I will say this however..... I now know, from my Grandmother EVERY SINGLE detail, down to the exact time she shot herself.  Now that doesn't sound very healing does it?  No, it doesn't!  It is the most comforting thing to know though.  I can finally be at PEACE and know she is in her perfect " image ", that she wants to be seen in.  Just knowing the details surrounding what had happened, did in fact heal me, my mother, father and quite a few other family members.  Everybody is pretty skeptical about the Ouija, so they're still not 100% sure, it still brings them comfort to know that she is ok.

Talking to her on a daily basis, even without the Board, is the best thing in this world.  Feeling her gentle touch, the smell of her lotions, creams and perfumes.  It's just a phenomenal thing! Seeing her face as she was before she got so sick, is healing in itself.  If it weren't for the use of this tool, I honestly do not think I'd be here today, typing this for you all to read.  

In conclusion, I thank you all humbly.  I thank you for listening to my Sessions, Watching the videos, asking me to contact your own loved ones.  The peace, the thank you's, the pure gratitude that comes from you all, is healing for me as well.  We are all connected, we are all one.  If you heal, I heal.  When you're happy I'm happy.  We heal, learn and grow SO much through the use of these divination tools.  I want to thank Karen A. Dahlman, Darren Evans, Robert Murch, A.g. Ruff, Janet, Rob, " Tiffany " and EVERYONE that I've become close with, made friends with, all through........                                                                    The Ouija Board.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

La Santisima Muerte Healing Box

This box can be created to offer healing energy to those in need.  This is a simple concept which is strengthened with the help of La Santisima Muerte.  For this spiritual work you will need a small wooden box.  The box can be left simple, or you can decorate in whichever manner you feel fit.  Glitter, sequins, pictures, written prayers, or shells.  I've already described in my video how I decorated my box, but use your imagination.  

Once you have the box decorated to your liking, the bottom inside of the box should be fitted with a piece of blue felt cut to size.  Inside, under the lid, a small mirror should be fled with the mirror facing the inside when the lid is closed.  This magnifies and keeps the healing energy inside the box.  

Next, light  candle to La Santisima Muerte and ask for the box to contain her essence, love, and strength for the purpose of healing those in need.  While the candle burns the box is left to the right of the candle, yet away from the heat f it and should remain there until the candle is consumed.    

Once the candle goes out, place a prayer card or a printed image of La Santisima Muerte inside the box which was previously sprayed lightly with Holy Water.  This should remain inside the box at all times.  You can also place other items inside the box to further magnify the healing.  I glued Amethyst to the top of my own box.  

To the box you then can add hand written names or photos of those that are in need of healing, etc.  The names or photos are kept inside the box until relief from their illness is granted.  Once granted, the name or photo of the person is left on the grounds of a church.  ( Note my own version in my video, I don't do this, I simply leave everything in the box).  

Once a week you offer La Santisima Muerte prayer asking for her intercession in healing and the outside of the box is lightly misted with Holy Water.  This is a great way to send long distance healing for those that are in need.  Have fun with this!  I did! :)

La Santisima Muerte Healing Prayer

Santisima Muerte, compassionate and powerful lady
You have the power to heal those who are ill
And free them from their suffering
I ask you to look with favor
On those names contained within this box
Those who are weak
Come to the assistance of these people
Who are afflicted with illness
Obtain for them health in mind and body.
Amen. ( or Alady )

Friday, May 1, 2015

" Anne "

Anne never did return to our daily chats, voice chats, etc.  I stopped getting letters from her in the mail.  About 5 months after I gave up on trying to reach her for a third time, I got a small, unaddressed envelope in the mail.  It had my address on it but not a return.  I opened up the little white envelope.. It was a picture of Anne.  Long, beautiful, black hair.  Very Gypsy looking, Bohemian style.  I looked at this picture, sat it down and wept for hours.  I knew she was gone, the cancer had gotten her.  I felt so lost, deserted and almost betrayed.  

I then went to my grandmother, Veronica, whom we all know about.  I told her all about Anne.  She sat me down and explained to me what cancer was, what had happened and why Anne never betrayed me, in the end, she never did.  It wasn't her fault.  I was still so sad and upset, I would tell my Ganny.  She'd hug me and just tell me it would be ok, things will work out.  Just being hugged by my Grandmother was enough to heal anything.  I was ease, for a while. 

Ryan Espich 2015