This is a great way to clear your mind before and after any rite. It also banishes any negativity in your body and from your space. A Basic before and after work.
Facing the altar, located in the east, take the athame and make the sign of the invoking pentagram, averse and envision a light emerge from your being.
" By the light of Lucifer, born of my desire for the attainment of becoming open to the gates of the dead to protect my very being, spirit and flesh.
Noctifer Observe ! "
Touch your forehead and recite:
" Ateh " ( unto thee )
1. Facing the North, make the sign of the invoking pentagram averse, and envision the graves of the earth opening forth and encircling you, protecting you from all outside forms.
" By the light of Azazel, who brought to man and woman the knowledge of the serpent, attend my being in the protection of the kin of Witchblood ! "
Touching the genitals recite:
" Malkuth " ( The Kingdom )
2. Facing West, make the sign of the invoking pentagram averse, and envision the waters circling you, forming great tempests with serpents and dragons seeking to devour that which would attack you.
" By the call of Shemyaza may the hidden knowledge and protection be revealed. By the desire of my many forms shall be passed from the grave to life. "
Touching the right shoulder recite:
" Ve-Geburah " ( and the power )
Touching the left shoulder recite:
" Ve-Gedulah " ( and the glory )
3. Facing the South, make the sign of the inverse pentagram, symbolizing the matter of the flesh and psyche which allows the spirit-god to emerge.
" Baragija, allow the stars to align with my everlasting protection! May the dead hear my call! "
4. Face now the altar and recite:
" Before me lucifer
Behind me Shaitan
On my right hand Belial
On my left hand Leviathan
For about me flames the pentagram
and in the column stand s the seven-rayed star of Babylon - Lilith! "